Congregational Drama for Good Friday

If you haven’t ever used it, Walter Wangerin’s The Cry of the Whole Congregation is a wonderful congregational drama to use on Good Friday.  It comes from his newly re-released book, Ragman, and Other Cries of Faith. 

The work is written for four readers (narrator, Judas, Peter and Pilate), but the congregation also has a number of important roles to play (ranging from the praises of the adoring multitude to the shouts of the crowd crying, “Crucify!”).

There are also roles for a liturgical dancer, a drummer, a soloist, and (children’s) choir.

A PDF introduction to the work is available online at, together with contact information to gain permission. There is a modest fee to use the work.

The Central United Methodist Church, in Canton, North Carolina has posted the entire script online.  You may want to read through it there, but I’d strongly encourage you to purchase the book or contact the author for permission.

While I’m on the subject of Walter Wangerin (and here’s another good reason to buy the book!), his well-known story Ragman would also make a wonderful addition to your Easter worship this season.  

Ebenezer Evangelical Church in Bristol, England has made the entire story available online but, again, I’d strongly encourage you to either buy the book or contact the author for permission before you use it.

If you're interested, Adam McIntyre has created a video of the story, and made it available for free download