Prayer for Teachers

Here’s a prayer of encouragement for teachers at the beginning of a new school year. It was written by Carol Penner, and posted on her Leading in Worship blog.

Prayer for Teachers

God, our Great Teacher:
At the beginning of this new school year,
hear our prayer for teachers!

Give teachers compassion to treat each student with dignity and respect,
remembering that every child has a story to tell.

Give teachers wisdom to be role models,
remembering that children learn more from who we are than what we say.

Give teachers your love that reaches out to children on the margins,
remembering that we see Jesus in the face of the poor, the challenged, the rejected.

Give teachers strength to carry heavy loads with patience and good-humour,
remembering that Jesus also walked an extra mile.

As a community we lift up our teachers to You, O Lord,
knowing that You plan every divine lesson. Amen.

~ written by Carol Penner, posted on Leading in Worship.