Mother's Day Litany: Nurturing God

Here is a simple candle litany for Mother’s Day (or Mothering Sunday).  It comes from the website of St. Cyprian’s Scottish Episcopal Church.

Candle-lighting Litany
for Mother’s Day

The first candle is lit.

Nurturing God, we light this candle in
recognition of the great care and love
you have for each one of us.

Nurturing God, we praise and thank you.

The second candle is lit.

Nurturing God,
we light this candle in thanksgiving for all mothers,
for all they do, or once did,
for all they give, or once gave
and for all they mean and will always mean.

Nurturing God, we praise and thank you.

The third candle is lit.

Nurturing God,
we light this candle for all families throughout the world.

Nurturing God, we praise and thank you.

The fourth candle is lit.

Nurturing God,
we light this candle for the family of the Church,
here and everywhere.

Nurturing God, we praise and thank you.

The fifth candle is lit.

Nurturing God,
we light this candle for all who nurture and encourage others.

Nurturing God, we praise and thank you.

~ from the website of St. Cyprian’s Scottish Episcopal Church.