Call to Worship Litany: Psalm 32

Here is a call to worship litany based on Psalm 32. It was written by Moira Laidlaw.


Call to Worship Litany

(inspired by Psalm 32)


Happy are those whose sins are forgiven. 
Happy are those to whom God attributes no wrong,

those in whose heart there is no deceit. 
When we keep silent about our wrongdoings,

our lives disintegrate with worry and guilt; 
when we struggle to hide from God,

the heaviness in our hearts consumes our strength. 
But when we seek your truth, O God,

and acknowledge our sin, we experience your forgiveness. 
Let all people reach out to you in prayer, O God,

and know your protection and strength. 
Surrounded by your grace-filled presence

and filled with your undeserved forgiveness,

we sing your praise; we shout for joy. 
Stubbornness melts away and tempers are controlled

when we listen for God’s word and follow God’s direction for our lives. 
When we fail to listen, and persist in following other than God’s way, 
our hearts are hardened and our lives tormented. 
But when we put our trust in God,

we are surrounded and filled with God’s steadfast love. 
Rejoice and shout for joy all those who are upright in heart. 


~ written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on Liturgies Online.