Confession: Ephesians 2: 11-22

Here’s a beautiful prayer of confession from Thom Shuman.  Its inspiration comes from Ephesians 2: 11-22.

Call to Reconciliation

Do we really want God to dwell within us, or
are we only willing to 'rent out' space for a
brief visit? Our actions, our words, our silence,
our fears all show the presence, or absence, of
God in our lives. Let us empty ourselves of all
which burdens us, and welcome the One who
lives with us forever. Please join me as we pray,

Unison Prayer of Confession

Steadfast God, we confess that we are so busy
putting up walls between ourselves and others,
we cannot see the home you are building for all
of us. We spend so much time noting the differences
between us and others, while you are embracing
everyone as your child. We run to welcome those
who look, talk, and act like us, and you throw open
your doors to the stranger, the alien, in our midst.

Forgive us, Faithful Heart. By your grace, help us
to see the household your are building for all people:
there are no plastic protectors on the furniture; there
are no rooms that are off-limits; and even the smallest
child is welcome to sit at the big peoples' Table and
be fed by your grace. We pray this in the name of
Jesus Christ, our peace, our hope, our Lord, our Savior.

Silent Prayers may be offered

Assurance of Pardon

Do you remember? At one time, you were without
Christ; you were the stranger, the outsider, the alien.
But now, in Christ, you have been brought home,
living in God's household of hope and peace.
God's covenant with us is everlasting; God's
steadfast love is forever; God's forgiveness
makes us new and whole. Thanks be to God.

~ written by Thom Shuman (2006), and posted on Lectionary Liturgies. Visit that site for many other excellent lectionary-based worship resources.