A Call to Worship: Psalm 133

Here’s a call to worship litany based on Psalm 133.  It was written by Joan Stott.


Call to Worship

(based on Psalm 133)

Holy God, the Father of us all, we gather to worship you
and to reaffirm our shared relationship as children of God.
With fatherly care, God welcomes us to our shared
experiences of worship, fellowship, prayer and praise.

Renewing God, we gather to be re-invigorated in our worship,
and in the witness and relationships that flows from worship.
Together and individually, we will be cleansed and refreshed by
the holy winds of God’s Spirit, as it blows around and within us.

The Lord our God gives new life and new blessings as we come
together in the unity of one purpose – to praise and glorify God.
Blessings, honour, glory and power belongs to our God, the
Father of all humanity – who claims us all as beloved children. Amen.

— written by Joan Stott, and posted on the Geelong City Parish UCA website. If used in shared worship, please provide an acknowledgement as follows:  © 2012 Joan Stott – "The Timeless Psalms" RCL Psalm Year B, used with permission.