Prayers of the People: Emmaus Road

Here’s a prayer of intercession based on the Emmaus road encounter (Mark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-35).  It comes from the website.

Prayers of the People: Emmaus Road
(based on Mark 16:12-13, Luke 24:13-35)

O Christ, as we enjoy your company,
we remember that there are many people who are alone or rejected.
We think of those whose ageing, illness or family circumstances
mean that they feel as though no-one is truly with them.
May we see more clearly where they are, O Christ,
and be loyal friends to them in your name, we pray.

If they are isolated because of any form of prejudice,
looking longingly at the lives of those who have company
and communities of support:
Show us the beauty of all humanness, O Christ,
and call us to draw near in love, we pray.
Give to us, your people, the courage and authenticity
to share together the questions we have about life and faith.
Help us to create an environment where honesty is possible,
so that we genuinely discuss the tougher issues together.
Then, when we hold in our hands the bread and the wine,
may we recognise the wonder of the gift which lies there
and receive it in truth as your life with us, O Christ.

— from Words for Worship. Posted on the website.

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