Prayer of Intercession: Good Friday

Here’s a prayer of intercession for worship on Good Friday.  It was written by Ann Siddall.

Prayers of the People for Good Friday

This Good Friday we join our voices
to the words of Jesus on the cross,
and the cry of all who are abandoned,
“My God, why have you forsaken me?”

Before we race in quickly
with the triumphant answer,
or the desire to set things right,
we need to stand alongside
this ancient cry of dereliction.

So today we place ourselves
with all those who cry out
for food and justice, for work and healing,
for hope and love, for faith and for meaning:
we hear their pain and the pain of Jesus Christ.

And because we know that in two days we will be back
celebrating and singing,
do not let us deny the suffering
of Christ and of this world.

Today we cry out about:
(world and local situations may be named here)
O God, our God, we cry out to You
do not forsake us.

— written by Ann Siddall, Stillpoint Spirituality Centre and Faith Community.  Posted on the Uniting Church SA website. 

For more worship resources for Good Friday, click on Good Friday in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.