Prayer of Adoration: Holy Week

Here’s a prayer of adoration based on the events of Holy Week.  It was written by David Beswick, and posted on David Beswick’s Home Page.

Prayer of Adoration for Holy Week

Our Lord Jesus, you went faithfully to Jerusalem, speaking with your disciples of your death, they welcomed you with the branches of celebration for the coming of a Saviour, and only you understood that it was through the sacrifice of your death that the promise of salvation would be fulfilled. 

Like the patriots of old you cleansed the temple, they tried to trap you with questions as you taught, and you were betrayed on the night when you gave the symbols of your life with which to remember you at the table. 

You washed their feet as an example of service to one another before you submitted to ultimate humiliation and cruel death. 

Faithful servant of God and of your human brothers and sisters, we worship and adore you as our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

— written by David Beswick, and posted on David Beswick’s Home Page.

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