Confession: Facing Temptation

Here’s a prayer of confession based on the temptations of Jesus in the desert.  It comes from a Lenten liturgy by the Seekers Church.

Prayer of Confession
(based on Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13)

Facing temptation,
Jesus refused to turn stones into bread.

Facing temptation,
we too often turn bread into stones.

Facing temptation,
Jesus refused to use power for its own sake.

Facing temptation,
we too often take power
that belongs to someone else.

Facing temptation,
Jesus refused to test the promises of God.

Facing temptation,
we too often want God to do
what we should do ourselves.

— from Lent 2005, a liturgy from the Seekers Church community.