Prayer of Intercession: Christian Unity

Here’s a prayer litany for unity and transformation, written for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2012 (January 18-25).  It comes from the World Council of Churches website.

Prayers for Unity and Transformation

United in Christ who gives us the victory, let us pray to God:
For the Church, the Body of Christ,
that we might truly live the unity we receive
through the Holy Spirit. God our strength:
Change us by your grace.

For the leaders of our churches
that they may be faithful to the unity
to which all Christians are called. God our strength:
Change us by your grace.

For the nations of the world,
that they may live in peace with one another
and promote justice for all. God our strength:
Change us by your grace.

For all people,
that we may be good stewards of the earth. God our strength:
Change us by your grace.

For the people of our society,
that we may be transformed to live
as caring neighbours to each other. God our strength:
Change us by your grace.

For the sick and suffering,
that they may be transformed
by your healing presence. God our strength:
Change us by your grace.

For all families and households,
that their struggles and joys may find their fulfilment
in your love. God our strength:
Change us by your grace.

For the dying,
that they may be comforted by your presence. God our strength:
Change us by your grace.

Lord, stand in our midst and grant us unity and peace.

— from the Ecumenical Worship Service 2012 jointly prepared and published by The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and The Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.  Posted on the World Council of Churches website.  

For more worship resources related to Christian unity, click on Christian Unity in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page, or see this Resources for Christian Unity Index.