Confession: Transfiguration Sunday

Here’s a prayer of confession for Transfiguration Sunday (February 19, 2012).  It was written by Rev. Nancy J.

Prayer of Confession
(Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-9, Luke 9:28-36)
The presence of God surrounds us, and yet too often we go about our daily lives oblivious to the power of Holy Spirit moving in our midst. Let us together confess the ways in which we are blind to God’s ever-present care.

God of rainbows and puddles,
Lover of snowshowers and clear blue skies,
we confess to you and to one another
the many ways we fail to live the lives you want for us.
We make ourselves busy with many things,
and neglect to listen to your voice.
All too often we see the worst in the world around us,
and look past your signs of hope.
We are quick to voice our dissent with one another,
and refuse to see your face
in the persons with whom we disagree.
We focus on our own hurts, anger, and disappointments,
and close our hearts to your transforming grace.

O Holy Light of the world, forgive us.
Open our eyes to your endless possibilities.
Give us courage to listen for your call to us.
Take our hearts of stone,
and make them new again with your holy love. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon (2 Peter 1:19)
Do not be afraid. God’s light has come into the world and has scattered the darkness; the morning star rises in our hearts. Rejoice! For God does not hold our sins against us, but embraces us as God’s own beloved.

~ Rev. Nancy J, on her blog, wonderings through life and other such nonsense.