Call to Worship: Christ the King

Here’s a call to worship for the last Sunday before Advent, known as “Christ the King” or “Reign of Christ” Sunday.  It was written by Bruce Prewer.  The scripture quoted is from Psalm 100, the suggested Psalm reading for this day.

Call to Worship
(based on Psalm 100)

Around the world this day,
the universal church celebrates the “The Reign of Christ.”

Christ Jesus, friend of the poor, the meek and the merciful,
has been enthroned above all authority and power
in this world and in the world that is to come.
            Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth,
            serve the Lord with gladness
            come into his presence with singing.

God has placed everything under Christ’s wounded feet,
appointed the one who wore a crown of thorns
as the supreme head of the church, his body.
            Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
            come into his courts with praise.
            Give thanks and praise his loving name!

— written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s HomepageVisit his site for other wonderful lectionary-based worship resources.