Here’s a beautiful prayer of thanksgiving written by Bruce Prewer.
Most loving God, thank you for giving us life along with all the creatures that fly and swim and crawl and walk. You have elected humanity to rise even higher; you have shaped the human soul in your own likeness, and given us the responsibility of being your stewards on earth. You have entrusted us to care for the weak, bring order out of chaos, and create new possibilities.
When we became too full of ourselves and started to act with careless arrogance, you came after us. You called out to us through Moses and the prophets, and enlightened us through the seers and poets. Yet still we wandered.
You pursued us down the centuries and when time was ripe, you came among us in Christ Jesus your holy Child. In him we have received the costly treasure of the Gospel. By his love we are born into the family of your church, and made heirs of eternal life.
By your Spirit you are with us always; the Friend sharing our happiness, the Comforter in our pain and grief, the Encourager when weary or depressed, and the agent of new birth when we become deadened by our trespasses and sin.
Most generous God, most holy Friend, our hearts sing with gratitude for the blessings that extend through every hour. May we sing a love song to you each morning, and in the evening sleep peacefully with the light touch of your hand upon our shoulder. You are our health and happiness, the perfection that outshines our thanksgiving as the sun outshines a candle. May you live among loving hearts for ever and ever. Through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
— Bruce Prewer, posted on Bruce Prewer’s Homepage. Visit his site for many other excellent worship resources.
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