Prayer of the Day: Proper 19A

Here’s a beautiful prayer written by Thom Shuman, based on the suggested scripture passages for September 11, 2011 (Proper 19A).  Be sure to visit his site for other excellent prayers.

(based on Exodus 14:19-31, Romans 14:1-12, Matthew 18:21-35)

When we look over our shoulders
at fear shadowing us today,
you go before us into tomorrow,
making a path through
the sea of yesterday's doubts.
When our legs tremble
from the effort of standing up
for what you hope for all creation,
you stand at our side,
offering your hope's strength.
Cloud of Grace,
we offer our love to you.

When we turn our hearts
into deserts of stony bitterness,
you transform them
into oases of joy.
When we come up
with all sorts of rules
for those who come to us
seeking to find you,
you tear up the list,
stretching wide your arms
in welcoming grace.
Servant of all,
we offer our lives to you.

When we would clasp
old worries to our hearts,
you open our eyes to that hope
which paves the path ahead of us.
When we spend each day
consumed with doubts and fears,
you remind us that this day
is the time to honor God,
by serving God's children.
Mist of Mercy,
we offer our hearts to you.

God in Community, Holy in One,
as you are all to us,
so we would offer all we are to you,
even as we pray as Jesus taught us,
Our Father . . .

—Thom Shuman, Lectionary Liturgies.