Grace and peace to you
from God our Father,
who has blessed us with
every spiritual blessing
that comes from
heaven: (Eph 1)
who knew you and chose
you before the world began; (I Pet 1, Eph 1)
who loves you so much
that he calls you his own children; (I Jn 3)
who has brought you
from darkness into light
and filled you with his
glorious power; (Col 1)
who has prepared an
inheritance for you
that will never spoil
or fade; (I Pet 1)
who encourages and
strengthens you
in every good deed and
word; (2 Thess 2)
who comforts you in
your troubles
so that you can comfort
others. (2 Cor 1)
This is our God,
the ultimate source of
all things,
and the One for whom we
live. (I Cor 8)
Let’s worship God
Christine Longhurst