Prayer of Thanksgiving: Psalm 138

Psalm 138
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
(from Psalms Now, by Leslie F. Brandt)

I am exceedingly grateful, O Lord,
for You have heard my cries and complaints,
and You have responded with mercy and strength.
Now my life is overflowing with thanksgiving,
and my mouth is filled with Your praises.

If only the leaders of our disjointed world
would listen to Your words
and direct their people in accord with Your will,
they would then know the meaning of peace,
and they would rejoice in the ways of God.

You have not shielded me
from the pains of trouble
or the ravages of conflict,
but You have kept me
even amid sorrow and suffering.
You take my side against the enemies of my soul,
and You will not allow them to destroy me.

Thus I know You will fulfill Your purpose for my life.
Your love and mercy is everlasting;
You will not let me go.

— Leslie F. Brandt, Psalms Now 
 (St. Louis, Missouri: Concordia Publishing House, 1973), 210.