Here is a prayer of confession based on Romans 13:8-14 and Matthew 18:15-20.
Prayer of Confession
(based on Romans 13: 8-14, Matthew 18: 15-20)
Merciful God,
You call us to turn away from behaviours and attitudes that belong to the darkness,
to live honest and transparent lives as children of the light.
We confess the times when we have failed,
giving in to our darker thoughts and desires;
and acting in ways that did not bring honour to Your name.
Lord, in Your mercy, forgive us.
Teach us how to live as children of the light.
You call us love one another,
to put the needs and interests of those around us above our own;
to love others as deeply as we have been loved by You.
We confess the times when we have failed,
allowing our own desires and interests to take precedence
over the needs of others.
Lord, in Your mercy, forgive us.
Teach us how to love as we have been loved.
You call us to deal honourably with one another,
even those who have hurt or offended us;
to work through our disagreements with love and integrity,
and so to build up the Body of Christ.
We confess the times when we have failed,
finding it easier to simply walk away from hurtful relationships,
or to talk behind people’s backs rather than to their faces.
Lord, in Your mercy, forgive us.
Teach us how to live with love and integrity.
Give us hunger to know You more,
so that we may do Your will
and walk in Your ways,
to the glory of Your name. Amen.