Commission & Benediction: Psalm 105

Sending and Benediction
(based on Psalm 105:1-8)

Go from this place with joy,
giving thanks to God,
proclaiming His goodness,
celebrating His love,
and worshipping Him with your lives.
For He is the Lord our God,
faithful to a thousand generations.
And may the blessing of God Almighty,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
be with you and among you
in the days ahead.

Psalm 105 is one of the suggested scripture passages for the sixth and eighth Sundays after Pentecost (July 24, and August 7, 2011).  For more worship resources related to this passage, or other scripture passages for those Sundays, click on Proper 12A (July 24) or Proper 14A (August 7) in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.

For more benedictions, click on benedictions in the list of  “Labels” at the right.