Call to Worship Litany: Isaiah 44

Here’s a call to worship based on Isaiah 44, the alternate Old Testament reading for the fifth Sunday after Pentecost (July 17, 2011).

Call to Worship
(based on Isaiah 44)

Come and worship,
all you who love and serve the Lord:
There is no one like our God!
The First and Last – the only One:
There is no one like our God!
Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer and King:
There is no one like our God!
The Rock in whom we place our trust:
There is no one like our God!
Let’s worship God together.

For more worship resources related to this passage, or other scripture passages for July 17, 2011, click on Proper 11A in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.

For more calls to worship, click on calls to worship in the list of “Labels” at the right.