Benediction: Romans 8:18-25

Here are a couple of possible benedictions based on Romans 8:18-25, one of the suggested lectionary passages for July 17, 2011 (Proper 11A). 

(based on Romans 8:15-17)

As we go from here, remember this:
As followers of Jesus Christ,
we have not received a spirit of fear,
but one of hope and confidence.
For we are children of God,
members of God’s own family,
and heirs with Jesus Christ himself.
So go out with joy to love and serve the Lord.

(based on Romans 8:18-25)

As you go from here into the week ahead,
with whatever joys and challenges it holds,
do not be discouraged or disheartened.
Remember the glory that awaits you as a child of God.
Hold on to that truth;
live in that hope.
And may the peace of God,
the blessing of Jesus Christ,
and the presence of the Holy Spirit
be with you and among you.

Romans 8:18-25 is one of the suggested scripture passages for the fifth Sunday after Pentecost (July 17, 2011).  For more worship resources related to this passage, or other scripture passages for the fifth Sunday after Pentecost, click on Proper 11A in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.