Call to Worship for Mothers' Day

The following calls to worship were written by Katherine Hawker, on her Liturgy Outside the Box website. They are part of a series she calls “Beyond Mother’s Day.” 

She writes: “These litanies, poems and prayers were written for local church communities that are committed to ‘thinking outside the box’ and ‘coloring outside the lines.’”

Call to Worship (2004)

The spirit of God calls us from many places;
some of us come from busy homes with many people
some of us live alone.
We are a part of the family.

This week has been different for each of us;
some of us have had happy news we want to celebrate
some of us have faced grief and need to cry.
We are members of God’s family.

Yet we all come to this same place;
all of us seeking God’s presence in our lives
all of us seeking God’s presence with each other.
Together we become God’s family.

Call to Worship (2001)

We are the people of God.
Together we are family.

I am married,
and single
and in a covenant relationship.
We are the people of God.
Together we are family.

I was married,
and in a holy union,
and never married,
and married twice,
and widowed.
We are the people of God.
Together we are family.

I am older
and younger,
and in between,
facing my first serious relationship,
knowing the joy of love,
enduring betrayal,
tasting the grief of a dying partner.
We are the people of God.
Together we are family.

I am an only child,
and have ten siblings
and have raised two children
and no children.
We are the people of God.
Together we are family.

I am part of a family,
the human family
the family of faith
my family of origin
the family of my choosing.
We are the people of God.
Together we are family.

Let us worship God together.

See also Mothers' Day Call to Worship.

For more worship resources for Mothers’ Day,
click on Mothers’ Day resources in the “Labels” on the right.