Lent: A Prayer of Letting Go

Here’s a prayer of dedication and commitment at the start of Lent. It was written by Ann Siddall and posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre website.

Prayer for Lent: Letting Go

O God, help us to use this season of Lent
to examine our attachments,
and to sense where You invite us
to live more simply and deeply.

Shine the light of Your love
into the private corners of our lives
where we have acquired so much clutter
that it has begun to restrict our freedom.

Grant us the strength to free ourselves
from appetites and needs that drive us
into taking, having and wanting
more than we need or have time for.

Teach us that in letting go
we become free, rather than deprived,
generous rather than covetous,
and spacious rather than restricted.

We offer You our Lenten observance,
and today we place our feet
on the road to Easter, and walk
the Way that You have walked before us. Amen.

~ written by Ann Siddall and posted on the Stillpoint Spirituality Centre website.  https://stillpointsa.org.au/