Confession: Justice for All

Here’s a prayer of confession written by Rev. Catherine Rolling.  It was posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.

Prayer of Confession

Sometimes God we take ourselves so seriously
—our opinions, our emotions, our needs, our entitlements—
that we fail to notice our effect on others. 
And we do not make connections between our limitless wants
and the resources left for others. 
We do this without knowing it. 

Bring our awareness to Justice for all
to the common good, to your universality of blessings. 
Remind us you love all.
Silent confession.....

Words of Assurance
(inspired by 1 Timothy 2:4-6)

The God of salvation,
who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth,
offers forgiveness to each of us through the Redeemer sent in human form.
We are grateful that over and over we are given the chance to begin again
and that nothing we have done can separate us from God’s love.

~ written by The Rev. Catherine Rolling, in Prayerful Living: Service Prayers for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost. Posted on the Worship Ways website.