Here’s a Christmas prayer of intercession from Sam
Hargreaves and the EngageWorship website.
Sam writes: “We just
wrote these for our service on the Sunday before Christmas, so thought we'd
share them with you. You can use them to lead prayers in church,
remembering that Jesus was born into poverty and disadvantage, and turning this
into intercession for those considered 'the least' in our world.”
Prayers of the People for Christmas
Jesus Christ, born in a stable,
Be with the poor and homeless this Christmas time.
Be with the poor and homeless this Christmas time.
As we
pray, live and give;
shine your everlasting light.
shine your everlasting light.
(silent prayer)
Christ, born of Mary,
Be with young mothers across the world this Christmas time.
Be with young mothers across the world this Christmas time.
As we
pray, live and give;
shine your everlasting light.
shine your everlasting light.
(silent prayer)
Christ, visited by Shepherds,
Be with all who have to work this Christmas,
Be with all who have to work this Christmas,
and those
who long to work.
As we
pray, live and give;
shine your everlasting light.
shine your everlasting light.
(silent prayer)
who became a refugee,
Be with those who fear for their lives,
who became a refugee,
Be with those who fear for their lives,
and those
who have left homes and families this Christmas.
As we
pray, live and give;
shine your everlasting light.
shine your everlasting light.
~ written
by Sam Hargreaves, and posted on the EngageWorship