Prayer of Intercession: Mark 3:23-35

Here’s a prayer of intercession inspired by Jesus’ words in Mark 3:23-35.  It was written by Rev. Andrea Price.

Prayers of the People
(inspired by Mark 3:23-35)

Heavenly Father, you call us to be your friends and to make friends of others – more even, to recognize in them our brothers and sisters, your family in Christ. So we pray for ourselves and for the world and its people:

We pray for all areas in the world where deep divisions run between ethnic groups because of race, religion or past history. Lord, help your people to be your friends and to make friends – your family in Christ.

We pray for our communities where different traditions shape different outlooks on things. Lord, help your people to listen well to each other that we may learn to live together knowing that though different we are your family in Christ.

We pray for our own families where growing up is difficult, where harsh words spoken in anger are not easily taken back, and hurtful or thoughtless actions are endangering relationships. Lord, empower your children to be patient, slow to anger and to become wise in their speaking and acting as your family in Christ.

Let us pray together the prayer Jesus taught us: Our Father…..

~ written by Rev. Andrea Price, and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.