Prayer of Confession: Mark 4: 26-34

Here’s a thoughtful prayer of confession based on Mark 4 (or Matthew 13:31-32)  It was written by Moira Laidlaw.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Mark 4:26-34, Matthew 13:31-32)

Lord Jesus Christ,
we remember with gratitude those people
who generously sowed the seeds of faith in our lives. 

Pause for a time of reflection

Above all. we recognize how you have blessed our lives
with the gift of the Holy Spirit
so that our faith has miraculously and mysteriously grown. 

We confess the times we fail to involve ourselves
in planting any seeds of faith in the lives of others;
the times when our personal agendas become more important than yours;
the times when we have denied others the opportunity to expand their faith
through our lack of interest or involvement;
the times when our lives become so entangled with the values of the world
that we forget what you have said and done and promised.
Lord Jesus Christ, we know that when we become disconnected from you,
our lives becomes parched and unfruitful and our faith becomes stunted and dry. 
Bless and renew our lives, we pray,
so that we remain connected to you at all times and in all places, 
strengthening our faith to expand and, growing strongly and vigorously, 
to bear the fruit of your mercy, your love, your undying life.  Amen.

~ written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on Liturgies Online.  Visit that site for many other lectionary-based worship resources.