Prayers of the People: Lent 5 B

Here’s a prayer of intercession for Lent written by Rick Morley, and posted on the Rick Morley blog.

Prayer of Intercession for Lent 5 B
(based on Psalm 51, John 12:20-33)

Have mercy on us, O God, according to your loving kindness;
in your great compassion, hear our prayers.

We pray for the whole church, all leaders and ministers,
and all the holy people of God.

Wash us through and through,
And cleanse us from our sin.

We pray for our nation, for all the nations of the earth,
and for all who govern and judge.
Purge us from our sin,
And we shall be pure.

We pray for those who hunger, those who thirst,
those who cry out for justice,
those who live under the threat of terror,
and those without a place to lay their head.
Make them hear of joy and gladness,
that those who are broken may rejoice.

We pray for those who are ill, those in pain,
those under stress, and those who are lonely.
Give them the joy of your saving help,
and sustain them with your bountiful Spirit.

In this season of Lent we pray for those who prepare for baptism,
and we pray that we all might be given the grace and strength
to repent and grow closer to you, O God.
Create in us clean hearts, O God,
and renew a right spirit within us.

We pray for those who have died, (especially _____ )
and who have entered into the land of eternal Light
and your abiding peace.
Cast them not away from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit from them.

We especially pray for…
We pray for…

Lord Jesus,
you taught your disciples that unless a grain of wheat
falls into the earth and dies it remains just a single grain,
but if it dies it bears much fruit;
as we prepare our hearts to remember your death and resurrection,
grant us the strength and wisdom to serve and follow you,
this day and always. Amen.

~ written by Rick Morley, and posted on his Rick Morley blog.