Commission & Benediction: Isa. 51: 4-5

Commission & Benediction
(based on Isaiah 51: 4-5)

When we look around at our broken world,
it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
We see so much poverty and violence,
hunger and needless death;
so much pollution and greed,
selfishness and injustice.

But that’s not the end of the story.
Into all of that brokenness,
hear again the words of God,
spoken through the prophet Isaiah:

Listen to Me, My people.
My mercy and justice are coming soon.
My salvation is on the way.
My strong arm will bring justice to the nations.
Even faraway lands will look to Me
and take hope in My saving power.

As you go from here, carry that vision with you.
Let it inspire your work and your witness,
your worship and prayer,
so that, through us, God’s will may be done,
and God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

And may the blessing of God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
be among you and within you
in the days ahead.

For more worship resources related to this text, or other texts for August 21, 2011 (the tenth Sunday after Pentecost), click on Proper 16A in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page.

For other benedictions, click on Benedictions in the list of “Labels” at the right, or see this Benediction index.