Easter 6: Call to Worship and more

Here are a number of scriptural Calls to Worship, Words of Assurance, and a Benediction for the sixth Sunday of Easter, all based on the lectionary texts for the day. Feel free to revise and adapt them to suit your needs.

Easter 6: Call to Worship
(based on Acts 17:22-31)

We gather together to worship
the Lord of heaven and earth,
the Maker of the universe and all it contains;
who gives life and breath to all things,
and satisfies every need.
This is the God we worship!

Easter 6: Call to Worship 2
(based on Acts 17, 22-31)

We gather together in the presence of God,
the Lord of heaven and earth:
the Creator of our world and everything in it;
the One who gave us life and breath,
the One who is never far away from any of us,
the One in whom we live and move and have our being.
Let’s worship God together!

Easter 6: Call to Worship 3
(based on Psalm 66)

Come, bless the Lord with me!
Let’s sing his praise together.
For our lives are in God’s hands,
and it is he alone who keeps our feet from stumbling.

Easter 6: Call to Worship 4
(based on Psalm 66)

Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth!
Come into his house with sacrifices of praise and worship!
Sing to the glory of his name!
For he has refined us like silver,
led us through fire and flood,
and brought us out into freedom!

Our lives are in your hands, O God.
You alone keep our feet from stumbling.

Let’s worship God together!

Easter 6:  Words of Assurance
(based on Psalm 66:16-20)

God listens.
He hears us when we cry out to him,
when we speak honestly about where we have failed.
Praise God,
who does not ignore our prayers
or withdraw his faithful love from us!

Easter 6:  Benediction
(based on John 14)

Listen to the promise Jesus makes:

I will never abandon you as orphans—I will come to you.
Even though the world will not be able to see me,
I will never vanish from your sight.
And since I live, you will also live.

Go from here in the knowledge
that you do not go alone:
the power and presence of God goes with you.
Praise be to God!

~ Christine Longhurst