Call to Worship: Living in Exile

Here’s a responsive call to worship inspired by Isaiah 40:1-11. It was written by Tim Graves and posted on LiturgyBits.

Call to Worship
(inspired by Isaiah 40:1-11)

We’ve been in exile.
We’ve allowed ourselves to be tempted
by the idols of things and power.
We’ve found it isn’t what we thought. 
Shopping therapy and yearning for a soda pop
does nothing to build up our world.
They are all fizz and sugar,
satiating only temporarily. 
We’re left with the same emptiness.
We’re left without the spirit-words of God.
We’re alone in harshness and brokenness.

Acknowledging our idolatry and mistakes,
we turn back to the living water.
We turn back to the love that flows forward
bringing justice and hope to all of humanity.
The word that comes from God’s mouth
does not return empty.
God’s word does as God intends.

~ written by Tim Graves and posted on LiturgyBits: Little bits for worship.