Prayer of Blessing for Father's Day

Here’s a prayer of blessing for Father’s Day. It was posted on Bereaved and Blessed.

Blessing on Fathers
on Father’s Day

Loving God, 
we give you thanks for the many gifts you have given us;
the gift of life, 
the gift of those who love us,
and especially, today,
we thank you for the gift of our fathers.

We ask your blessing upon our fathers
who gave us rules to live by,
standards to uphold,
joys to cherish,
faith to live by,
hopes worth dreaming of
and who blessed our lives
with their unselfish and unconditional love.

We ask your blessing upon our fathers
who are unable to be with us today.
May they know how much we love and care for them.

We ask your blessing upon adoptive fathers,
that they may always know their special role of being a true father,
a revelation of God’s love for their children.

We ask your blessing upon fathers who have lost children
through miscarriage, stillbirth, crib death, 
sickness, accident and tragedy,
that they may have your continuing strength and courage.

We ask your blessing upon those
who want to be fathers or have another child,
that they may practice patience
and feel your love as they wait and hope.

We remember our fathers who have died
and for the unique way they revealed for us your love.
We ask that you keep them in your care
until the time comes for us to join them in your Kingdom.

And we ask your blessing upon the fathers
standing here before us.

Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.

Give them the strength 
to live the faithful and loving lives
you call them to live.

Protect and guide them.
Keep them in your care
and grant that their children may always honor them
with a spirit of profound respect.

We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.