Affirmation: You Call Us to Service

Here is an affirmation or statement of commitment from John Birch. It was posted on his Faith and Worship website.

Affirmation: You Call Us to Service

You call us to service;
to be your eyes and ears,
hands and voice in this, your world.

To open our eyes not only
to the beauty and love which you create,
but the injustice,
hate and suffering that humankind generates.

To open our ears not only
to the chattering of this coming week,
but the searching,
fears and questioning of all whom we shall meet.

To open our hands not only
to those we choose our lives to share,
but in welcome,
love and fellowship to all who you draw near.

To open our mouths not only
to speak platitudes and simple words,
but the truths you lay upon our hearts.
Your Word for this, your world.

You call us to service,
to be your eyes and ears,
hands and voice in this, your world.

~ written by John Birch and posted on his Faith and Worship website.