Hands On Litany

Here’s a litany from the Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada website (adapted).

Hands On Litany

God, we are reminded of Your grace-filled and creative hands on us—
and how Your hands work through our hands in our world.
You are the potter; we are the clay

Hands on: God’s hands on the universe,  
God’s hands on us, molding, creating
You are the potter; we are the clay
Hands on: God’s hands on the universe,
God’s hands on us, sheltering, healing, holding, blessing
You are the potter; we are the clay

Hands on: our hands molding, creating, playing, and still
You are the potter; we are the clay
Hands on: our hands keyboarding, drawing, writing, painting, and still
You are the potter; we are the clay

Hands on: our hands, praying, blessing, healing, receiving, and still
You are the potter; we are the clay

Hands on: God’s hands on the universe,
working with our hands on a day to day basis in our world. 
And always…
You are the potter; we are the clay. Amen.

~ posted on the Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada website. http://www.mnosynod.org/crosswordsept23-10-clayideas.html