Prayer of Confession: Hospitality

Here’s a prayer of confession on the theme of hospitality.  It was written by Loreto Conroy.

Prayer of Confession

Knowing that our God walks with us in our confusion,
our doubts, our failings, our struggles,
we now come humbly before God to ask for mercy.

For the times we fail to offer hospitality
to those in our world who suffer injustice, oppression, and poverty, we pray:
God, have mercy on us and your people

For the times we lack courage to address the causes
of injustice, oppression and poverty, we pray to our God:
God, have mercy on us and on your people.

For the times we give in to despair and resignation
when confronted with the injustice of our world, we pray to our God:
God, have mercy on us and on your people.

For the times we allow our fears to triumph
over the call to solidarity, we pray to our God:
God, have mercy on us and on your people.

Merciful God, receive our petitions.
Heal the brokenness in our hearts and in our world
caused by injustice, indifference, selfishness and fear.
Open our hearts to hear the cries of your suffering people.
Support us as we seek to respond in solidarity and with hospitality. Amen.

~ from Offering Hospitality to Refugees compiled by Loreto Conroy.  Posted on