Confession: Colossians 3: 23-25

Here’s a prayer of confession from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship website.

Our Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Colossians 3: 23-25)

Lord, you know how often we have resented our work;
Forgive us, Lord, for our ingratitude.
And you know how often we have neglected our abilities;
Forgive us, Lord, for our poor stewardship.
And you know how often we've been careless in our studies;
Forgive us, Lord, for not using our minds.
And you know how often we've wasted time on the job;
Forgive us, Lord, for our heart's insincerity.
And you've seen how shoddy some of our work has been;
Forgive us, Lord, for our carelessness.
And you've heard how often we've said we can't wait to get out;
Forgive us, Lord, for not working with all our heart.
And you know we've often worked only to please others;
Forgive us for failing to remember it is you we are serving.
Hear our prayer,
and in the mercy of Jesus Christ,
cleanse us for his name's sake. Amen.

~ posted on Why Should I Work So Hard: Colossians 3, on the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship website.