Easter 4: Confession & Assurance

Gentle Shepherd, You guide us in right paths, You lead us in the ways of righteousness, but we have allowed our anger, our rage, our greed, and at times even hate, to direct our paths. We have overreacted, we have taken more than our share, we have despised others that seem to have it all. Forgive us, God, for not following Your ways. Forgive us for not remembering that we are Your sheep, and You are our Shepherd. Forgive us when we have not listened for Your voice and instead have acted in the ways of the world. Guide us back to Your path, to loving You and loving our neighbors. Help us to unclench our fists and lend out our hands in hope and healing, forgiveness and love. In the name of Christ our Shepherd we pray. Amen.

The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The Good Shepherd knows the sheep, and the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep so that the sheep may live. We are part of the flock, we are part of Christ’s body. In Christ we find wholeness and restoration. Go forth and share this Good News. Amen.

Shepherd of our lives, Guide us to the still waters. Lead us on the right paths. Walk beside us when we go through our darkest valleys. Help us to know Your Comforting Presence is always with us. We know that in You there is nothing to be afraid of, so help us to stand for love, peace and justice. We know that You prepare the table before us, that You care for us, that We are Your sheep forever. Help us in this world to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with You; and wherever we may go, may we follow Your path. In the name of Christ, the Good Shepherd, we pray. Amen.

— posted by Rev. Mindi on her blog Rev-o-lution. See her website for more Easter 4 resources.