Prayer for Peace

As we look toward November 11 (Armistice Day, Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, Poppy Day), here’s a prayer for peace from the website of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (Gainesville, Florida).

Prayer for Peace

Eternal God,
in whom the whole family of earth is one,
breathe your spirit into our hearts
that we may establish a global community
of trust and fellowship, justice and peace. 
Illumine the darkness of our minds
that we may see your light, think your thoughts,
and serve your glory by advancing the greater good of all people;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Reform, O God, the passions and designs of our hearts. 
Let your steady hand guide the nations,
and bring forth out of our discord
a harmony more perfect than we can conceive –
a new humility,
a new understanding,
a new purity and sincerity,
a new sense of truth,
and a new hunger and thirst for your love to rule the earth. 

Holy God,
you have made of one blood all nations that dwell upon earth. 
Look with mercy upon us,
and drive away our evil passions of fear and hatred. 
Grant that united in good will
we may live together in charity and joy,
each in the praise of great achievements,
in rivalry of good and beneficent deeds,
and sharing in truthful and just dealings with one another;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

~ excerpted from a prayer on the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (Gainesville, Florida) website.