Prayer for Mother's Day

Here’s a prayer of intercession for Mothers from Tom Cheatham, who blogs at The e-Word in Season.

Prayer for Others on Mother’s Day

O God of grace and love, we thank you for all that you have given us through the loving care and hard work of our mothers. We pray for your richest blessing upon all mothers:

for first time mothers and experienced mothers, for those who are mothers by surprise and those who have planned carefully for children;

for women who long to conceive and cannot and for those who do not want the children they have;

for those with difficult homes, whose children present constant challenges and perennial problems and whose husbands are not much help;

for those who must raise their children alone and find that the father or fathers of their daughters and sons are distant, uninterested and uncaring;

for those who are ready to scream because their own mothers and their in-laws are constantly giving unsolicited advice;

for those who are at the end of their rope with stress over money or do without what they need so their children may have a meal;

for those who are examples of faith, hope, and love to their children and other parents;

for those whose marriages are strong and whose husbands care deeply for their children, sharing fully in responsibilities;

for those with plentiful resources, whose children have never known want, and who use their funds and talents to help others;

for those who teach the faith by word and deed to their children, making Christ real to their families.

For each one according to her need, hear our prayer, and draw all mothers closer to you today.

All these things we ask in the name of Jesus, who in even in his agony on the cross cared for his mother’s well-being. Amen.

~ written by Tom Cheatham, who blogs at The e-Word in Season.