Benediction: John 11: 1-45

Here’s a closing litany inspired by John 11: 1-45, where Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.  It was written by Rev. Elizabeth Dilley and posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.

Commission & Benediction
(inspired by John 11: 1-45)

Come out! Jesus commands,
And calls us from the tombs of our existence
into the brightness of a new day.

Come out! Jesus cries,
And unbinds us from the chains of our past.

Come out! Jesus calls,
And entices us into a world filled with grace and possibility.
Go out!
Into a world that needs our life, our breath, our spirit!

Go out!
Into a world that needs the Spirit of God,
carried on our lips and in our loving arms.

Go out!
Into the world to live as God’s resurrected people!

Go out: and go on the breath of God’s holy wind!

~ from Come Out! On the Breath of God, Service Prayers for the fifth Sunday of Lent, written by the Rev. Elizabeth Dilley.  Posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.