Litany of Confession: Forgive Us, O God

Here’s a litany of confession from the United Church of Christ.  It was by Rev. Marilyn K. Levine for an Ash Wednesday service, but would be suitable elsewhere as well.

Litany of Confession

O God of Grace, may we not have received you in vain.
When we pray because we desire others’ good opinion,
Forgive us, Lord.

When we give our gifts for others’ approval,
Forgive us, O God.

When we deny ourselves to get others’ admiration,
Forgive us, Merciful One.

When we fail to do unto others as we would like them to do unto us,
Forgive us, Spirit of Love.

When we put our privileged selves first,
before the poor and needy and disadvantaged of this world,
Forgive us, Creator of Truth.

When we keep for ourselves more than what we need,
Forgive us, Give-Away God. 

Forgive us our sins and trespasses and debts. 
Only then can our souls be washed clean and spotless.
Only then can we be your true servants.
Only then will we reach the pure heart of the matter.

Assurance of Pardon

For the heart of the matter
is that we can find our treasures in heaven,
and also on earth,
so long as we are forgiven
and set free of our burdens and sin. 
Bless God who frees us
and lights up our heart-shadows with the fire of agape—love.

~ from Heart of the Matter: Service for Ash Wednesday, written by Rev. Marilyn K. Levine. Posted on the United Church of Christ website.