Litany for Good Friday

Here’s a litany for Good Friday from Amy Loving.

Good Friday Litany

Blessed Christ, Son of the Creator,
conceived by the Spirit,
born of a young woman,
the Word of the Almighty,
we worship you.

Servant Christ, friend of sinners, 
the one who touches lepers,
the Great Physician, source of all comfort,
we worship you.

Crucified Christ, wellspring of justice and love,
provider of all faithfulness,
full of kindness and mercy,
we worship you.

Almighty Christ, High Priest of God,
King of Heaven, Lord of Lords,
Ruler of All Creation,
we worship you.

Jesus, you who bear our sins,
have mercy on us.

Jesus, you who redeem the whole of creation,
have mercy on us.

Holy Lord, be merciful to us, we pray. 
Guide us in your paths. 
Teach us to share your self-sacrificing love. 
Help us to grow in the ways of peace and justice. 
And strengthen us to do your will. 
In the name of Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.

~ written by Amy Loving, and posted on The Worship Closet website.  Visit that site for other creative worship resources.