Creative Worship Ideas: Romans 13: 8-14

If you’re working with Romans 13:8-14, here are a few creative ways to approach that text.  They come from the Worshipping with Children website.  

Conversation with Children: Romans 13: 8-14
Verses 8-10 are the heart of this passage for children.  To help them explore it write each of the 10 Commandments on a separate poster board.  Hand them out to ten children (or to 10 worshipers of a variety of ages).  Point out that these rules teach us how to love God and love each other.  Then, read each rule and decide with the congregation whether it is about loving God or loving people.  As you do, reposition the poster bearers to stand in two groups – those whose rule is about loving God and those whose rule is about loving people.  After all are sorted, thank the “Love God” poster bearers and send them to their seats noting that though loving God is surely important, today we are thinking about loving people.  Then, open your Bible or go to the large worship Bible to read Romans 13:8-10.  As you read each law Paul mentions point to that poster or ask its bearer to raise it.  Thank them for helping the congregation pay attention to Paul’s letter and send them back to their seats.

Prayers of Intercession: Romans 13: 8-14
Before the prayers of intercession, invite worshipers of all ages to write names of people they encounter every day on a piece of paper (perhaps a corner torn off a worship handout).  These may be people it is hard for them to love or people for whom they have a special prayer.  Collect these names by passing prayer baskets (like passing offering plates) that are put on the central worship table.  The prayer leader then offers verbal prayers of intercession perhaps holding his/her hands over the baskets or holding them up in the air.  (If your congregation gathers prayer requests during worship, this could be done at the same time.)

— written by Carolyn, and posted on the Worshipping with Children website.

For more worship resources on Psalm 149 (or other suggested scripture readings for September 4, 2011), click on Proper 18A in the list of “Labels” at the lower right side of the page. For more intergenerational resources for worship, click on Intergenerational worship in the list of “Labels” at the lower right.